Governance Education, Audits & Advising
Cultivating Exceptional Stewards of the Organization
Mission & Data is a trusted partner helping support and advance boards of trustees at independent schools and nonprofit institutions around the world. Mission & Data offers institutions wide-ranging and comprehensive governance expertise to help navigate complex challenges and guide the board through strategic and generative discussions.
At Mission & Data, we live our commitment to good governance by serving as trustees on independent school boards and national member-driven nonprofit organizations.
Combining our expertise in data visualization and good governance practice, Mission & Data creates customized Board of Trustee dashboards to facilitate mission-driven, community-centered, data-informed decision making.
Our governance services include:
Facilitating board meeting and retreats
Conducting governance audits and bylaw reviews
Working with board to set goals and assess effectiveness
Customizable retainers providing just-in-time guidance and counsel to board leaders and committee chairs, educating the board on effective governance, and promoting a strong and healthy partnership between organizational leadership and the board