Christian Donovan joins Ari Betof to co-host Season 2 of EMA’s Impossible Questions Podcast

Enrollment Management Association (EMA) is excited to announce that Christian Donovan, Head of School of Friends School of Baltimore, will be joining Ari Betof, co-founder and Partner of Mission & Data, to co-host Season 2 of EMA’s Impossible Questions Podcast.

“I am thrilled to know that Christian Donovan is joining our Impossible Questions podcast with host Ari Betof,” said Heather Hoerle, Executive Director & CEO of EMA. “Christian’s distinguished career in enrollment management has allowed EMA to know his many talents well. He is a committed faculty leader and one of the founders of EMA’s Future Leaders Program. Christian’s work is characterized by intellectual curiosity — he wants to solve big challenges using data and innovation to uncover root issues and look at problems with new eyes. I can’t think of a better partner for Ari on this podcast — which has been designed to get ‘under the hood’ on complex challenges faced by independent schools and consider new methods for addressing them!”

Season 2 of EMA’s Impossible Questions Podcast will kick off in the spring with a special EMA Enrollment Spectrum Podcast/ EMA’s Impossible Questions Podcast crossover episode with EMA’s Vice President of Member Relations Christina Dotchin, Ari Betof, and Christian Donovan.

Listeners can subscribe to EMA’s Impossible Questions Podcast on Apple Podcast or on the EMA website.


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